Castle Marne B&B proudly presents the first in a series of local Denver area authors and speakers events. The Castle offers a truly intimate and personal venue for book lovers and authors alike.
Join us for this first ever event, Saturday, October, 15th. A lite lunch will be served.
Meet 3 local author/speakers who invite you to explore your personal spiritual health and wellness, and your relationships with non-physical beings and angels.
Jalynn Venis, intuitive and author of
"Angels to Spirits: How Non-Physical Beings Imprint Our Lives" will discuss her work from her "intuitive explorer" perspective.
Laura Faeth, author and healer will share her book
"I Found All the Parts: Healing Through Rock'n'Roll". She will ask "what do music, alchemy, Tarot, secret societies, past lives, mantras and a well known rock band have in common?" Make your reservation now to find out! 303-331-0621
Danae Shantis, local spirit worker and healer will share her interactive event combining healing breath work with music from a CD inspired by and recorded with the assistance of the Ascended Masters and angels. Danea will be presenting her program
"The Breathing LIfe".
Reservations are strongly recommended, a lite lunch is included. $12.00 in advance, $15.00 day of. Call to reserve your spot. 303-331-0621, 1800-92MARNE.